Fixture drivers

The final property of a fixture, driver, specifies how colour and orientation information are sent to the actual physical fixture. Please scroll down to the section 'Fixture properties in the Creating a fixture sub-chapter for information on the other fixture properties.

Driver property of a fixture specifies how colour and orientation information are sent to the actual physical fixture

This is sometimes referred to as the personality of the fixture. It is a list of functions that are supported by the fixture and the channels used to control those functions. This information is usually found in the product manual for the fixture, which is downloadable from the manufacturers website.

You can sequence a complete show in the visualiser without creating fixture drivers. However, a fixture must have a valid driver in order to be assigned a DMX address (channel/universe) using the addressing system and in order to send DMX to the outside world.

Types of fixture drivers

There are four types of fixture drivers available, each suitable for a different class of fixtures.


This is the easiest type. Use this for DMXcontrolled pixelgrid fixtures that have no moving head or CMY colour mixing hardware.


Please ignore this type of fixture driver.


This driver is suitable for traditional moving head lights containing (optionally) a pan and tilt base and (also optionally) a CMY (cyan/magenta/yellow) colour mixing system. It supports programming commands such as lamp on/off, shutter on/off, etc.


This driver combines elements of DmxDriver and GenericLampDriver and is suitable for moving head fixtures that have multiple LED pixels mounted on the moving head.